Board 2023-2025
Laurent Georges, President

Laurent Georges is Associate Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). His research and teaching activities are heating, cooling and ventilation systems in buildings, with a strong focus on building performance simulation (BPS). His research often deals with the building integration of these systems, namely their optimal design and operation. Laurent is involved in one master course and one PhD course on BPS at NTNU. He is an active member of IBPSA-Nordic since its creation in 2011 and has been recently appointed President in September 2023 for a two-year mandate. As president, Laurent would like to contribute to the continuous development of the association, creating an arena for researchers, educators and practitioners in BPS to exchange ideas and experience.
Mika Vuolle, Vice-president
Mika Vuolle, Tech. Lic., has graduated from Helsinki University of Technology, HVAC as the major. He has worked as a lecturer and a researcher. And since 1996 he has worked in IDA project to develop the component models in NMF. Since 2007 he has worked as the CEO Equa Simulation Finland Oy. He was nominated as lecturer of the year 2007 and 2011 by FINVAC.
Christian A. Hviid, Secretrary

Christian A. Hviid is an Associate Professor at the Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark. His field of expertise is heating, cooling, ventilation and (day)lighting systems in buildings. His research focuses on optimal building services with emphasis on energy efficiency, indoor environment and optimal operation. In recent years, his focus has been on integration of multi-domain physical systems through semantic building information modelling (BIM) and cyber-physical models to create efficient commissioning tools and operation benchmarking for building services. He has for 10 years divided his work life between academia and industry, which means he has developed a strong business sense, always guided by the strong driver that the research is applicable, value-adding to the end-user, and societally beneficial.
Maha Shalaby, Treasurer
Maha Shalaby works as an architect and an environmental designer at White Arkitekter with ten years of experience in practice, research and teaching. She studied her Masters’ in Energy Efficiency and Environmental Building Design at Lund university in Sweden. She is currently adopting a holistic way of working to transform the culture of architectural design by working as an architect while carrying out various simulations including energy, wind, microclimate and simple and advanced daylight studies to inform the design decisions. Her passion lies in integrating her environmental design expertise with parametric tools and using the results from the assessments to inform the design. Maha’s interests include visual comfort, circadian light assessment, assessing daylight quality in a space, space perception in virtual reality, and digitalization in the built environment.
Max Tillberg, Webmaster
PHOTO on its way!
Max Tillberg works for EQUA Solutions AB
Patrick Rodin
Patrik Rohdin is an Associate Professor at the division of Energy Systems, Linköping University, Sweden. Patrik has his main area of expertise within the fields of industrial, building and regional energy systems. He has a tradition of working with technical systems, building simulation and CFD, indoor environment as well as socio-technical aspects. He has been active within these fields both within the academy and in industry since 2002. Patrik has supervised (as main or co-supervisor) 7 PhD students and one Lic. from the start to examination. He has more than 50 scientific publications, of which 37 can be found in the Scopus database. These articles have a total of 1500 citations (h-index: 18). Patrik has co-written two books, the latest, based on an inquiry from Elsevier, entitled Introduction to Industrial Energy efficiency. Patrik teaches in several courses such as Building energy systems, Industrial energy systems, Energy planning and modelling of communities.
Vladyslav Shchuchenko
PHOTO on its way!
COWI Norway
Steffen Petersen

Steffen Petersen is Professor at Aarhus University, Faculty of Engineering
Habtamu Bayera Madessa

Habtamu Bayera Madessa obtained his PhD in the department of Energy and Process Engineering at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and he is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and Energy Technology at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University. Habtamu has been teaching heat and mass transfer, thermodynamics, building automation, and indoor climate courses. His research interests focus on building energy utilization and integration of renewable energy systems (solar and biomass) into buildings. Much of his research work has been on energy optimization, zero-energy building, building physics and indoor environment, energy storage, BIPV, model predictive control, life cycle assessment.
Risto Kosonen
Risto Kosonen, D.Sc., has more than 30 years of experience in the field of building services engineering. Risto Kosonen is currently a professor at Aalto University. The field of the professorship is HVAC technology, where the focus areas of teaching and research are the indoor climate, intelligent building technology systems in buildings, and energy technology in buildings. Risto Kosonen is a Distinguished Professor at Nanjing Tech University and Visiting Professor at Chongqing University and Xian University of Architectural and Technology in China. Risto Kosonen is the Chairman of the federation of Nordic SCANVAC HVAC association, the Vice-Chairman of the Finnish SULVI Association, and the Chairman of the Board of the Finnish Indoor Air Association. Prof. Kosonen has published more than 300 international scientific articles and conference papers. He has been awarded the REHVA Professional Award in Technology, the SCANVAC John Rydberg Gold Medal, and the Russia Master-Builder Engineering Awards.
Janne Jokisalo
Janne Jokisalo works as a team leader of energy and life-cycle solutions for buildings in Ramboll Finland. Janne has a master’s degree in energy and HVAC technology and he has worked with building simulations for over 10 years.
Kim B. Wittchen
Kim B. Wittchen is Senior researcher at Department of the Build Environment at Aalborg University on Copenhagen. His fields of expertise are energy optimisation of new and existing buildings; simulation energy behaviour and indoor climate in buildings; calculation of building’s energy performance; national and European legislation in relation to building’s energy performance. For many years focus has been on analyses of the energy saving potential in the existing building stock and related costs. This was done based on information gathered by Danish energy assessors in the building energy certification scheme and extrapolation to the entire Danish buildings stock. Kim has participated in the development of the dynamic simulation tool, BSim and undertakes support for both BSim and the Danish energy compliance checking tool, Be18. Kim teaches, among others, energy simulation and calculation in buildings at candidate and master course at Aalborg University.